
Monday, August 23, 2010

Back Into a Routine

Today we have started school! We are still homeschooling this year. We are using a different curriculum, though. It is called Sonlight.Claire is doing Gymnastics this year, and I am doing Dance. I am not sure if we are going to play an instrument though. I ether want to play the piano or the violin. One of my friend's Dog, Honey had her first litter of puppies. They are starting to walk! They are sooo cute! Honey is a yellow Lab, and they think the dad my be a hound dog. She had 10 puppies black and yellow, boys and girls. If you are interested in a cute puppy leave your phone number on the comments. It is really really hot here lately. When you go outside the sun takes your breath away. I am definitely ready for Fall. Grace (our yellow Lab) plays with Lucy (our Cairn Terrier) tons now! They are becoming great friends! Ana is taking her first steps. Her hair is as crazy as ever! We are falling into a routine, and folling God every step of the way!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Ana!

Ana turned 1 on June 28th. We have survived! Happy Birthday Ana from your sis.

Ana eating her Birthday cake!

This is a beautiful picture of my wonderful Mom and my cute baby sister Ana on vacation.

Meet Lucy

A new member of the Spencer family has arrived! Meet Lucy. She is pawsativly the most cutest little puppy. She is spunky, Smart, and she has very sharp puppy teeth! She is a Cairn Terrier. She is the same kind of dog as Toto on the Wizard of Oz. We have entered Lucy in a cutest puppy contest. I would ask that you vote for her. Go to type in the contest search box Lucy and vote for Lucy! The picture we put on the contest is on my blog so you can be sure you are voting for our Lucy. Thanks! Claire's search for a puppy is over! Lucy says hi!