Friday, February 11, 2011
Pruned. Have you ever thought of the meaning of that word? I sure didn't until my Dad told me about it. You know how a bush gets over grown after time or how your hair gets long and it needs to be trimmed. Well the gardener prunes the bush and the hair lady cuts you hair. Pruning is taking back so it can grow more. Trimming your hair so it can grow longer. So the tree can bear more fruit. Everyone has been in a stage in their life that has been tough. we've all been through trials. So what, just suck your breath in and go through it. No! God is pruning you. He wants you to go through the trial with him. He wants to stretch you. Grow you. Teach you to bear more fruit. Like, peace, patience, joy, self control, humility, and a bunch more. Let God prune you. Come to trust him more with every single day. Let him prune you give him all you have.