
Sunday, May 27, 2012

On The Move...

Yes! You guessed it! Caleb is crawling!! He is on the move ALL the time! But... did you guess this?

 Are you sure you want to know?

I mean... it's not that interesting.

Okay! You convinced me! I'll tell you!...............



Not to a different town (thankfully!)...

Just to a new house!!

I am SO excited! We have been living in a small rent house since July of 2011. Not that long, but we have learned many things...

I am REALLY excited though!

We feel like the Lord really showed us this house! It is PERFECT for our family!

You will be hearing many more details soon!....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am SO thankful for...

1. Our Homegroup

2. Celebration

3. A time for JOY!

4. Colorful Fabrics

5. Sewing with Mom

What are you thankful for THIS Thursday?...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Friday morning I flew to Amarillo TX. to surprise my friend Emily for her birthday! She was so surprised, and we had SO much fun together!! I mean, 13 is a pretty big deal, right?! Emily is one of my closest friends. She is very spirit filled, beautiful on the inside, and on the outside! You can visit her blog here: 

We went to some fun places, saw other friends, and just had a fun time with each other!

Thanks Emily, for a fun time, and memories that I will remember for always!

Monday, May 14, 2012

The Help

I bet most of you have either seen it, or read it...

I got the privlege of spending the weekend with one of my closested friends, Emily (and you will hear plently of details on that later)! Meanwhile...  we watched "The Help."

Such a good movie that gives us some insite on how it really was for these sevants called The Help.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thankful Thursday

1. That we can have the faith of a mustard seed to move mountains

2. That we can worship freely in this country

3. That God works EVERYTHING for good!

4. My Mom (we will be celebrating her birthday and mothers day Sunday!)

5. Good books

What are you thankful for this Thursday?...
Notice the 2 teeth on the bottom!

Joy: part two (2012 Study)

(if you have not read part one, scroll down to labels and click on 2012 Study)

In my last JOY post, I asked these questions:

What is Joy?

Do I have Joy?

Does God want us to have Joy?

Does God have Joy himself?

We went into depth to answer the first one, going into Hebrew words and definitions.

Now for the other 3.

Do I have Joy?...
Well, you are going to have to answer that one!

Does God want us to have Joy?...
I think absolutely YES! In the bible God tells us that there is a time for everything. For mourning, and for joy.

Does God have Joy himself?...
YES!! In his Word (the bible), it says that the joy of the LORD is our strength. So that tells us that he does indeed have JOY!

I would LOVE to hear your perspective on the word JOY in the comments, or you can share it with me privately by emailing my through the Contact Me page above.

Have a very JOYFUL Sunday!!!


Photography is becoming one        of          my           favorite                    hobbies...

There is just so much you can say with a picture...

There is something you can capture...

Something you can't explain with words...

When I see a picture, a memory comes to mind...


(all the pictures taken by me except the 2 one)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thankful Thursday

1. That there is health in our family

2. Sweet friends that the Lord has put in our lives

3. Ideas (how boring would life be with out those inspiring ideas?)

4. That He gives us the strength for today

5. Memories

6. Sweet memories in the making!

7. The breeze (it is so hot today, but the Lord just gives us that little breeze that helps!)

8. Incredible JOY

What are you thankful for this Thursday?...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hey, you know something I just noticed (you have to read my 2 most recent posts to understand) I got a rose, and my character in the play was Rosy!

Happily Forever After 2 La'Mirror

The play went great! Everything went smoothly, and no one forgot his/her lines!

I had such a fun time from start to finish. From the moment I walked into drama class, and from the moment when I walked out from the play. I am sad it is over now!

                                                         (above is the prop we made)

I wish I could post every one's pictures on here, but I don't have permission. Every one's costumes were great! The best part of all is that, God got the glory! It took a lot of hard work, and it was a team effort, but it was worth it!

"Oh grandma! I can't even begin to explain how excited I am! I've never felt so free! I've never felt so much, joy!"
(one of my lines)

The Rose...

I received this rose the day before the play. My friend Lisa, gave it to me saying "I really want to see your performance tomorrow, but I won't be able to come." Isn't it just beautiful?!

The next day, I just couldn't stop looking at it! Right before we were fixing to leave for the performance, this is what I thought, "God you are going to show me something through this beautiful rose!" And guess what?! He did!

"The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God endures forever."
                                         Isaiah 40:8

The play was sharing the word of God, and after I read that verse, I received peace, and my nerves settled down!