
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Click on the link below to go to an amazing dance. Just take 6 mins and watch this. When I watched it, I felt the Holy Spirit ministering to me through it. I saw it live last year and have watched it many times...

Sunday, August 11, 2013

"Jesus wrecked my life"

"You see, Jesus wrecked my life." -Katie Davis (Kisses From Katie)

Imagine a boat full of fishermen. They fished for a living. They were smelly and dirty. They were empty inside. Then a man walked by their boat one day and said "Come, follow me." But this man was no ordinary man, this man was Jesus, and he filled them. Something about him beckoned them to them. It wasn't physical appearance or social stature, it was who He was. And suddenly they saw how empty their life was. They saw that what they once thought was good, wasn't, and before they saw that it wasn't good, Jesus had to call them out of it. He had to wreck their lives.

This is just one summary, of many stories. Peter, John, Paul, James, Mary Magdalene and many, many more lives were wrecked by Jesus...for the better. They didn't one day come up with this inspiration to do the things that they did. Jesus called them to it, but first he had to wreck their lives. They were living empty, dirty, broken lives that looked good to them, but then Jesus called them out of it. But first, He had to wreck their lives.

Sometimes when we are in a hard situation or a hard season in our life and we wonder, why do I have to go through this? Why can't life just be a little bit easier? But easier isn't better. In fact, Jesus said no to easy, and he said yes to hard. What if Jesus is wrecking your life right now? Your life looks good to you now. You have a nice car, a nice house, a good job and you don't want anything to change. Or maybe you are pursuing Jesus' will for your life and what He has given you looks good to you right now, but it isn't His ultimate plan for your life. But good isn't best. A lot of Satan's traps look "good," but they really are not. What if Jesus is in the process of wrecking your life. You are feeling it. You are hurting, and you are sweating, and the weight is more than you can bear. But see that's the point...we can't bear the weight of it on our own. If we could do it on our own, then why would we need Jesus? When we are weak, He is made strong! When He is wrecking our lives, it's hard, but in the end it is more than worth it. He is more than worth it. Do you think it was easy for the Disciples to become the Disciples? Do you think it was easy for Saul to become Paul? Do you think it is easy for the world changers today to do what they do? Do you think it was easy to get to that point? No. It wasn't easy, it was beyond hard, but it was worth it.

"I no longer have the things the world says are important. I do not have a retirement fund; I do not even have electricity some days. But I have everything I know is important. I have a joy and a peace that are unimaginable and can come only from a place better than this earth. I cannot fathom being happier. Jesus wrecked my life, shattered it to pieces, and put it back together more beautifully."
- Katie Davis (Kisses From Katie)