
Sunday, April 24, 2011

The True Meaning of Easter

Happy Easter! What does that mean to you when you hear that phrase? Do you think of candy? Or maybe you think of carrots and the Easter bunny, do you know the true meaning of Easter? Jesus rose again! Jesus died on the cross as a man for our sins. He went to hell to get the keys. Then he rose again on the third day. Before Jesus died on the cross we couldn't get saved. God sent his only son to die for us. He couldn't of rise again if he didn't die. On Easter morning most people get ready for church bring Easter eggs and get in the car. When they get there they sing, read the bible, and then have an Easter egg hunt. I am not saying hunting eggs and exchanging gifts are wrong. It matters that you know the true meaning of Easter. That you don't get caught up in the Easter bunny and candy. Jesus washed away our sins. If you believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again, you will be saved. Jesus has risen! He is alive! Shout the good news! Jesus is Lord, he has Risen!

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