
Thursday, May 19, 2011

How my Blog got it's Name...

When you read the title of this post you might of thought, wow, what a silly thing to write about, but really, how my blog got it's name is a pretty amazing story. I think you are going to like it...

The first thing that happened is I wanted to start a blog. My Mom had started one and I thought, cool, it might be fun to start a blog. So I asked her. She said yes. My Mom helped me. Setting up the parts I didn't know how to. She said: the name is very important. So I thought, and thought, and thought. I could think of lots different names, but none of them were quite right. I went and asked my Dad. I am not a very patient girl and I wanted to get started on the other stuff. God is helping me with my patients now, but I am still impatient some times. He said: why don't you get the bible out and we can see if we can find any thing in there. I rolled my eyes thinking my Dad is the most God freak ever, but now we are God freaks together! We looked for a while, flipping through the pages and suddenly we both think water. Waterfall, no not right. River, still doesn't fit. Streams, needs something else. Think think, think think. Then suddenly we figure out Streams of Abundance. Perfect! We are so blessed so God fills our life with streams of abundance. So that is how my blog got his name. Pretty crazy. Hu? It is amazing how God works in the littlest things. Isn't it? I hope you are enjoying and learning at my blog: Streams of Abundance. And I hope you are starting to enjoy the journey to and of my mission trips on my other blog: Kate and the orphans! I hope you will continue reading my blogs!

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