
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When? What? How? Why?

These are some of the questions we ask God when what he doesn't make sense to us. When? What? How? Why? His thoughts are not out thoughts. He makes every thing work out for good. I am wondering about some things God is doing in my life. Sometimes I think he is crazy. I have to trust him though. Talk to God about everything that is on your mind. He knows best, he does. Never say no to God. Please! I know I have instead of asking questions and trusting. Why would God let this happen? Why would he want me to do this? Trust God. In whatever situation you are in. It's okay to ask these questions. A lot of people asked questions in the bible. What God did didn't always make sense to them. Here is one of my questions. Why does Ana have to scream so much? Even the little things like that. God is always ready to listen. He wants to hear what you have to say. Even though he already knows what it is, he wants YOU to tell him. Ask away, he says. So ask and trust and believe.

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