
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Prayer Request...

My Mom is is sick. We all know how it feels to be sick. Will you please pray for healing for her? Also if she does not feel better soon (and when I say soon I mean like tomorrow morning) we will not get to go to the Ramp. I have mentioned the Ramp before, but have never really told you what it is. The Ramp is a program. A program that gets together to worship and obey God. The one that we are planning to go to we are worshiping and they have a message. What they are speaking is the truth. Not all churches speak the truth. (and no the Ramp is not a church) I am really excited. My bags are almost all the way pack. The only thing really is for Mom to feel better. We have prayed and God knows and cares about the desires of our hearts. Will you join us in prayer for Mom to feel better? That would bless us a lot. It says some where in the bible. If two or more agree in his name it will be given. (his meaning Jesus) To learn more about the Ramp go to: Mom is on am antibiotic. The cookies are made and ready we just need her to get well, and fast! I read a blog ( and one of their names for God is Jehovah of the last minuet. It is amazing to read about all the times God has helped them in the last minuet. Comes up and surprises them! He has done that for us too! Well I better get thinking on that post I promised! Please pray! Prayer has power! Prayer works!

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