"Over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go..."
...a little sneak peak of our day. (heehee) ...
...Today I finished the book Unshaken, by Francine Rivers. (finally old enough to read some of her books) It was about Ruth. I have always loved Ruth, a women of the bible. She had unshakable faith in God, unexplainable love for her mother in law. As I read her story I think, would I have the courage to leave my own country to care for an old widow? Would I be willing to leave behind the riches of my Father's household? Leave my family and friends? And if I did go would I do it with a good attitude? Work with joy and gratefulness? I think Ruth is a very good role model for girls and women. I ask myself would I be willing to do what Ruth did? Would I have joy while I did it? Through all the hardships Ruth stood strong, having faith in God that he would take care of her and her mother in law. She seeked God first. Over idols, riches, and much more. I want to be more like Ruth. Have her humility, her faith, her love, her thankfulness. She trusted her mother in law that what she said about the one, true living God. She Believed. She had courage. She had humility in coming as a foreigner. She had joy in her work and was thankful for it. She prayed, and when she prayed, she had faith that God would answer. It wasn't easy. Her life was far from comfortable, but God gave them everything they needed. He was watching over them, every second, hour, moment, of each, and every day. She allowed God to mold her, and change her. She trusted in God, she had faith in Him, and He was faithful. Her life was far from the riches of this world at the time, but she was rich in God. I want to be more like Ruth. She had,
She believed, she trusted, she gave up everything, She had FAITH, and God was FAITHFUL. Sounds easy reading it? It was far from easy. Don't belive me? Well let's try it for ourselves. Let's have faith, joy, humility. Ruth wasn't proud, but humble. Let's be more like Ruth.