
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dear Bloggy Friends,
I have one word to describe my life at the moment. Busy! Busy, busy, busy. That pretty much explains why I have not been posting recently, or if I have it has just been pictures! Home school, piano, running after the little ones, it all takes time and that make us super busy. Caleb is doing great! He has gained weight, so that is good. Ana... oh my! All I can say is she is keeping our hands full, but she is a blessing from the Lord. Claire, imaginative as always. Thinking up new games to play with her big sister! My Mom and Dad are doing good too. My Dad has a really bad cold though so keep him in your prayers. I seriously do not know how my Mom does what she does! Her secret weapon is the Lord! Mom, you work so hard for us kids, and Dad! How can we thank you? Me, well I'm doing good. Trying to have peace and Patience with my sibling is not always easy! We are studying Acts in the Bible. So this post was a little update on our family!
Blessings to all,

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