
Monday, December 12, 2011

Memorial Box Monday: after the rain

Before we moved the latest time, it rained a lot where we lived. You would see rubber boots, and umbrellas a lot. And as usually with rain, you get thunder and lightning too. The thunder was loud, and the lightning bright and big. At times it would just sprinkle on and off all week. Other times it would pour for a week non stop. And as we have moved I have noticed that I miss the rain. It's comforting pitter patter, and the big BOOM of the thunder that woke us in the night. After a particular big storm our neighbor, who has some acreage, had some tree's fall down. And her little boy of age ten played with us alot, and after these big storms we would go down to the pond, or the tree house, or go exploring. So after a rainy week when it finally decided to clear, we went down to the pond, rubber boot's and all. And as Ms.Robyn called after us, "don't get to close to the pond" we were off. There is a big log, about the size of two big men laying down right at the edge of the pond that Sam and Claire would sit on and throw rocks into the pond. And I, not wanting to get to close stood further back. So on that occasion we were following tracks right by the edge of the water, and after following for a while Sam and Claire went back to the log, and I just stayed standing, looking at the water for a while. So I, getting tired of that after a while, tried to walk back to the place where Claire and Sam were. I could not move. "Guys, um, I think I'm stuck." "Katy, your just kidding." "No I'm not, seriously, I can't move." Another tug at my feet. So they came over to examine while I loosed my feet a little, only to sink further into the mud. "Let's try to dig her out," suggested Sam. So Claire and Sam got there hands in and started to try to dig, which only made it worse, and I sinking in further. Another tug from me. "I can't get my feet out." "I guess you'll just have to take your feet out of the boots." "Okay." (with a sigh) So out came the feet and the socks being ruined my the mud. So after more tugging of the boots, Claire went to go get Ms.Robyn, who came back with a shovel, and dug, my boots out of the mud. And after her giving me grace, and Mom for the socks, I got a lot of grace that day, and now the story is funny, and it reminds me of the rain, that I love.

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