
Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Pot of Stew

Yesterday I chopped and peeled tons of carrots, while Claire and Ana played play dough, and Caleb just hung out.

Mom stirred the bubbling stew we were making for our home group. Peeling onions, cutting potatoes, making stew (that smelled so good if I do say so myself). But what I thought of as I was helping making this stew was, isn't the world, and God, kinda like a pot of stew? The chef, and the ingredients. The seasoning and the boiling water. God as the chef, making, and creating things that are good. The angels as his kitchen help. We as the ingredients, the enemy as the boiling water. The creation around us as the seasoning. As I love to cook, I think God showed me this as I was making this stew. And then, isn't God the baker and we the dough? Him kneading us into the shape he desires, but only if we allow him too. And then I thought. Isn't the pie crust our outer shell, and the pie filling our spiritual stuff inside. Not always sweet, but sometimes sour. Wow, it's amazing what God can show you through a pot of stew.

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