
Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Study

One year, four different seasons, four different topics, one bible, different translations, one truth, one true God, one goal.

Love ~ Winter

Joy ~ Spring

Faith ~ Summer

Obedience ~ Fall

David had great Love for his people, he would weep when his enemy's died, David had Joy, expressed by his dancing and writing of Psalms, David's Faith was not shaken when he fought against a giant, David obeyed the Lord, he had obedience, when the prophets told him the word God sent to David through them and he did his best to listen and obey.

The Goal
To study about these topics and put it to action in our lives.

I encourage you to do your own study with the Lord, discipline yourself to do that, journal about it, and put it to action in your own lives. Let's make 2012 a Godly year, the answer to doing that? Read your bible, and obey God!

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