
Friday, January 13, 2012

This week we have been focusing on getting back to school. Monday morning we woke up... Mom sick. So we did our best, and she is feeling much better. Also we have been getting back to our activities (piano, dance...) We got signed up for Co-op (excited!). I am getting braces next week so prayers for that! It has not been the easiest week, but God has helped us through it. Getting back into a routine is not always easy! So thankful for little brothers who coo, and little sisters who keep life lively! Mom took us to a yummy bakery this week for lunch, so that was fun. Our baby sitter is the cook! It was yummy Lisa! The weather has been topsy, turvy, always changing. One day it is warm and sunny, the next our dog's water is frozen, and it's super windy. Today it is really nice out. Last night Mom, Caleb, and I went to a baby shower for someone at our church. It was really fun! And it was good to get out of the house with only Mom (and Caleb, but little baby brothers don't count cause they are cute!). Today Mom made yummy homemade potato soup for lunch. One thing I don't like about winter is that the sun slides to the west earlier than most of us would like. So I just gave you a totally random update! Have a blessed weekend!

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