
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Katy, Thank you for sharing your prayers. I am praying for physical healing for you and your mom now. I am praying that you both get a good night's rest and feel better tomorrow. Also, praying that Caleb and the rest of your family stay healthy.

    On a side note- My parents had 3 girls and 1 surprise boy (in the same order of your family too.) I am the youngest girl though with two older sisters. I think it's wonderful that your mom homeschools and that you are close with your family. Even now as adults (I am double your age -24- old I know! haha), my family, siblings and I are still close with each other. I pray that you stay close with your siblings and family wherever The Lord leads you to serve Him. Praying for His direction and leading in your life.

    Much love in Christ, Alisha
