
Sunday, February 5, 2012


Wow, is all I can say. Our last few weeks have been challenging. God is truly testing our faith. It sometimes seems that we are getting nothing done with home school. We were having a particular hard day when I was in my parents room trying to calm down and control my thoughts when I said out loud, "God, why can't I just be "normal" and go to public school like other kids?" Then I turned around and looked at the reflection of me in my parents mirror, and laughed. How many times had I asked God to make me not "normal," not like the other people around me. How many times have I told others that we do not need to be like other people, we are God's servants. We are aliens to this world. Not the "normal" ones. I asked God a few weeks ago, "test me Lord", and he is testing me. We so have to remember not to confirm to the patterns of this world. To be different, not "normal." It says in James that part on true religion is to not confirm to the patterns of this world. It says many times in the bible that we are aliens to this world. We are God's faithful servants, and servants are humble. Being tested in my faith in this season of my life! Remembering to not be "normal."

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