
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for....

1. My siblings, I don't know what life would be without my dear brother and sisters. We have so much fun together!

2. Jesus's Love for us!

3. Music! I love making it, and praising the Lord with it!

4. Colors! What would life be like without the wonderful vibrant colors!

5. Pure, clean water. Something simple, that we use and drink every day, but one of the most important things to our body, water!

6. Stars. No one but God knows the number of them, they twinkle in the night sky. Reminding us of the beautiful light that God made for night.

7. Light! What would life be with out light? We are the light of the world!

8. Fingers and toes!

9. Laughter!

I am taking Thursdays here on my blog, to look at all I am thankful for. I think it is a very important thing to do. I encourage you to make your own thankful lists on the comments, starting with 5 things!

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