
Monday, February 6, 2012

Today we started CO-OP with our home school group! I LOVED it!!!!! I am doing Drama (my favorite!), Crochet, and Decidedly Different (a girls bible study). There is only one other girl in the crochet class and guess what... her name was Katy too! And in drama there was another Katy, and a Kala. And in the bible study there was the Kala again! I loved meeting new people, and seeing people we knew from piano. Loved being around lots of other home schoolers! Before we moved our latest time, we knew two families that home schooled. TWO!!!! Drama was my personal favorite! I loved the teacher, and she was the bible study teacher too! How cool is that?!?! In drama we played a game to help our memorization. Let's see if I can remember...

... The worlds greatest sandwich has relish, bell peppers, pig eyes, olives, mayo, mustard, ketchup, lettuce, shark tale, bacon, peanut butter, marsh mellows, turtles, jolly ranchers, grandma hair, and strawberries!

How was that for the first day?! Claire is doing something with Lego's (she loves building stuff with them!) and karate! And one of the best parts of CO-OP is that it is super fun and...

... IT IS COUNTED AS SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I am really pumped about this. If you are home schooled, TRY THE CO-OP!!!! It is sooooo much fun! Well, better get back to that really good book I am reading! Blessings on your week!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I would like to homeschool someday when I become a momma :) Such a great idea Katy to have CO-OP!
