
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday

So very thankful for God's hand in my life. The last few weeks have had some minor challenges, but I praise God for them! God tells us to have joy in all circumstances. I am so excited that Spring is FINALLY here! I can't wait to start the joy section of our 2012 Study (if you don't know what 2012 Study is go to my sidebar, scroll down to labels and click on 2012 Study)! God is doing amazing things in my life right now, and I can't wait to share about them! I stand in awe, of the awesome God that I serve! Okay, time for the thankful list...

  1. SPRING!
  2. Sunshine
  3. Special friends that God has put in our lives
  4. That I am not having any allergies!
  5. Our home group
  6. Our Church family
  7. Heaven (One of my Mom's friends, friend had a premature baby yesterday morning, who ended up going to heaven that night. We can not be afraid of death, but look forward to our eternal life. Please pray for the family, and that they would be comforted to know that little Trinity in in God's hands right now.)

now it's time for your thankful list this Thursday...

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