
Friday, July 27, 2012

A Miracle

(I please ask that you read the post before this one, before you read this one if you haven't)

Sweet Amelia (Liliana).

A desperate situation.

All hope seeming to be lost.

BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!

Miracle, by miracle God has used thousands of people to help make this rescue call on this sweet baby girl's life.

People's hearts broken, by Amelia's story.

Money poured in for Amelia's adoption.

Thousands of prayers offered.

Then, a family committed to adopt her!


Her family trying desperately to get to their sweet baby girl.

Amelia's situation getting worse, and worse.

BUT GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, her forever family got there.

Amelia was barley holding on and wasn't strong enough to make the long trip home.

Once again, thousands of people prayed and prayed on Amelia's behalf.

Her body, so sick, so desperate, they had to put her in a hospital in Bulgaria.

People again, prayed and prayed.

God heard our prayers.

Amelia is doing a little bit better!

Please pray for the an amount of enormous peace for her family as they travel home.

Please KEEP PRAYING for Amelia!!!

Yesterday, when I heard that Amelia was not doing good, I opened my bible, and asked the Lord to show me a verse. My bible opened to a couple passages in John. Every passage was about healing, life, or testimony. The Lord clearly said to me:
"Amelia is going to be healed, she is going to have life, she is going to have this powerful testimony!"

After I have come on my blog asking for urgent prayers for Amelia, I always respond with a miracle post. Because God does, and is doing miracles in people's lives! Amelia's story/testimony has been full of miracles! I have loved following Amelia's journey, and I can't wait to continue! I can't wait to see how many more miracles God does is her precious life. God has used Amelia's story/testimony in my life, powerfully. You may ask, "Well, why would God just stand by and let something like that happen?" Well, my answer to you is, He has not stood by and done nothing. He has done a lot! Look at her story/testimony. He is working miracles in every part of it. You also may ask, "Well, why did He give her disabilities, or why did he let her have disabilities." God doesn't puts sickness on us. It is because of our own sin! When the fall of man came, there was death and sickness. Before the fall of man, everything was perfect. No sickness, no death. And that is the way it is in Heaven. It was never his plan for us to have sickness, and death. It is because of our sin. And don't go blaming it all on Adam and Eve. Have you been perfect? No. Have you never sinned? No. The only one who is perfect and blameless is Jesus. I don't fully understand why Amelia has disabilities. But I know this: God will work it for good. She is weak, so He can be strong in her life. In her weak areas, he shows so evidently.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28

Please KEEP PRAYING for sweet Amelia!!!!!

God has worked so powerfully in her little life. I can't wait to see more!!!

"Saying: "Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!"
Revelation 7:12

Amelia's story/testimony will forever be imprinted on my heart.

You can follow Amelia's journey at:

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