
Friday, August 24, 2012

You know that feeling you have when you want something? Like a craving for a certain food, or a wanting to do some thing particular right that second? It's like it is not possible to wait another second longer for the "thing" you want. It's ridiculous. But, have you ever had a craving, a want, a yearning for Jesus? Have you ever had a fire burning inside of you to be with the King of kings, and Lord of lords? You can't wait another second longer. You have to be with him. Hold for a second. Compare the two. Which one have you honestly felt more? I would sadly have to say the first one. I have felt a wanting more often for a "thing" than for Jesus. It is just our human nature. I want to have a yearning for Jesus, more than I do the things this world has to offer. I don't just want to go to a conference and get fired up for God just on that weekend. No, I don't want it to be once in a while, I want it to be every.single.second. of That is how it needs to be. That is how I want it to be. Every morning I get out my bible, and journal for my time with the Lord. I usually read a chapter out of the bible, meditate on it, ask the Lord to show me something through it. The Lord shows me songs, verses, and more. But I am not satisfied with that, and I shouldn't be satisfied with that. I want more. I am growing in my relationship with the Lord daily. He has taken me so far, and he is taking me further. I think that each time you step out of your comfort zone in obedience to the Lord, he takes another step towards you. James 4:8 says:
"Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded."
Instead of just spending my normal 30 mins in the mornings with the Lord, and asking him for help during the day (which is good, he has showed me a lot for me to get to that point), I want to grow even more in the Lord. I want to experience a life radically lived with Jesus. I don't want a little of Jesus, I don't want to get room temperated with him, I don't want to even be just almost all the way with him, I want to be all the way, and more. I want to be radically changed. I have been changed. The Lord has taken me a long way from when I first began. But I want even more. We shouldn't be satisfied with just a little of Jesus. Even if we encounter something amazing with Jesus, we should always yearn for more. We should thirst for it, we should hunger for Jesus. Once you see him move, you won't be satisfied with seeing it just once. You will want to see it again, and again and again. My heart yearns. Even though we might be going through difficult seasons, and its hard to focus on anything except the present situation you are in, it is the perfect time to seek God more. Always ask for more. Always yearn for more. Always hunger for more.
One bite of chocolate won't do is the same as one encounter with the Holy Spirit won't do. (Though chocolate is good and all, I prefer Jesus)
When I worship God, I want to worship him with my whole self. Not just raising my hands and singing. But jumping, and praising, and shouting to Jesus.
David danced with all his might.
Not just a little humming and raising his hands a little. He praised God with all his might. All of it. Not just one tiny bit, not half, not even almost whole. He danced with every.single.ounce. of his whole.entire.being.
Ruth didn't just follow her mother in law to the corner of the street. She didn't even just take her to Jerusalem and then go back home. She fought and strove. She trusted God. Even when all the odds were against her. She didn't just give up.
Peter walked on water, just so he could go to Jesus on the water. He believed with all of his self that Jesus wouldn't let him fall. He didn't have the courage to go on the waves, he had to give up all of his self, and trust Jesus. When his faith faltered, Jesus caught him, and said, "Do not be afraid!" He did the impossible, only because he gave all of him self and trusted Jesus.
   Moses ran away from so much, he doubted to much, he was afraid. But God came down and made him new. He did the impossible through this man. Just because Moses had a little faith. Just as small as a mustard seed, but it was enough, and God grew it.
   Rahab had a yearning, a thirst a hunger so deep. She hardly had any evidence that God was real. But she chose to believe. She chose to trust God, and he did not disappoint her.
   All these people were normal, ordinary people. Nothing amazing about them. They had faults, struggles, impossible situations. But they all had a yearning. They all started with a little faith in God, and he grew it. But do you think that God just grew it, or that they allowed God to grow it? They had to have had a little more faith at a time. God met them where they were. Their yearnings grew, and so they took a step towards that yearning. The yearning was strong enough that they took a step towards it.
I want my yearning to be real. I want it to be true. God has taken me so far, but I want him to take me further. But I have to take a step towards it. Nothing will happen if I don't do anything about it. I want even more of a yearning for God than I have ever had before. I want a burning for the Lord that no one can put out. This is from my heart, truly. It is in my heart, now it is fixing to turn into an action.

Set a fire down in my soul, that I can't contain that I can't control. I want more of you God.

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