
Wednesday, September 26, 2012


This post will jump around from topic to topic but will hopefully fill you in on what is going on in my life, show you some recent pictures, share some verses, and basically will give you some more randomness as well!.....

I have so wanted to do a Thankful Thursday post, but on Thursdays it just seems that something else always has to happen before that, and then I most likely forget ;-). So while I have some time on my hands, I would like to share my list...
  1. Fall! Wasn't God SO good to give us seasons?! It would be so boring if it was always the same season.
  2. Friends from the Lord. The Lord has abundantly blessed me with friends. And not just friends, close friends! I just thought the other day that we have only lived here over a little over a year and God has brought friends into my life in that short time that I trust with my whole heart. And not just even close friends, close friends whose one goal is to seek God with every thing they have!
  3. Joy. There is a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). And the Lord has whispered to my heart that right now in my life is a time for joy! I don't know what I would do with out joy! The Joy of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10)!!
  4. Exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I use them a lot)
  5. A little sister with a button nose who loves to listen to music with me and to dance around the living room together for no reason in particular!
  6. Good books.
  7. African jewelry. (my friend Lisa recently came home from Africa and blessed me with some!)
  8. Music.
  9. A sweet sister with freckles dusted across her face that is the best joke teller in the world!!
  10. The cutest little brother in the world that now walks and says "nnnnnnnnnnnn" (no)

Recently I have read this book: Shadow of His Hand by Wendy Lawton. It is based on a true story of a Jewish Aryan girl during the Holocaust. It was a very good, but sad book.It was a beautiful story of how God never left Anita out of the shadow of his hand, and how He never left or forsake her. This is a story of how God showed her His love, and how he works EVERYTHING out for good. This is one of the words that she said that I thought was so true:

"God has a very unique way of scooping up the shattered fragments of our hopes and dreams and molding them into a plan of His own-- a plan vastly different from ours, but far more wonderful."

Isn't that so true? I just love that! This is a must read!!
Here are some pictures of Ana and Caleb...

We have an upcoming trip to Colorado! We are visiting our Grandparents, and we will also so my Uncle, Aunt and my Cousin!! I will post pictures from that when we get home!!

I wanted to share this verse:

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.  For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."
2 Corinthians 2:14-15

Meditate on that for a second...  isn't that so cool?!

Have an ABUNDANTLY blessed week!!



  1. I just wanted to say I LOVE your new header!! It is so cute!!!
