
Friday, November 2, 2012

Hit the ground running...

  We are all going through something. We are all going through different seasons. The Lord brings us through all different seasons. Our faith is tested, but Jesus never lets go. No matter how many mistakes we make. No matter what we are going through, he is always faithful. Something that is so beautiful about Christianity is that Jesus never disappoints. I mean, really, think about it. When has Jesus ever broken His promises to you? My answer is never. Not once. Now, He never ever said that is would be easy. He never said we wouldn't have troubles. He actually said we would go through trails. But He promises that HE is worth it! This season I am going through is well... how do I explain it... bittersweet. It has been such a time of seeing. Seeing His miracles, seeing His promises come true, seeing Him work. It has been a time of hearing. Hearing His voice speak, hearing direction from Him. Then also we have had small trials. Just little things here and there that the enemy tries to distract us with. Also maybe a few big blows here and there. But The Lord has promised- this is a season of Joy! After a bigger blow the Lord has shown me something. The main verse that He has shown me this is Hebrews 12:1-2. It is talking about throwing off everything that hinders, and just running the race Christ has for you. He started to put this verse on my heart a couple of months ago, but it is now starting to take shape. God spoke through a really close friend of mine in a mighty way. We were just talking about the situations that we personally have been going through. Basically what she said was this: "Don't look back, just run." We may go through hard things, but God is always there. Helping us, loving us, encouraging us. He is crying the same tears that we are crying. His heart hurts for the same things our does. Why? Because we are His children. But one of the specific things was, we don't need to sit in the ashes. Because God will bring beauty from the ashes we don't have to worry. But we also can't just mope around. Feeling sorry for our selves. No. We have to get up and run the race he has for us. He is the author and perfecter of our faith. But how can he perfect it if we are just sitting around? No. He gives us a hug and then sets us back on our feet and says "RUN!" Then Satin likes to put something on the side of the road. Something shiny, something that will get our attention. But NO! Keep RUNNING! He says "Don't look back. I hold your past in my hands, but I also hold your future. RUN!" He is showing us all this amazing stuff! We have to keep running towards that stuff. Not looking at the distractions the enemy puts in place. No. Look straight ahead. I will set my face like flint towards HIM! (Isaiah 50:7) We won't look back like Lot's wife and be turned into a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26) (YIKES!) NO! We will throw off everything that hinders. EVERYTHING! Not just some things here and there, EVERYTHING! And we will run the race Christ has for us...

   "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.  Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God"
Hebrews 12:1-2

We will hold unswervingly to HIM! Because HE is faithful...

  "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."
Hebrews 10:23

 God tells us to live by faith. Who do you see living by faith?... not many people, right. As we see all along in the bible the Israelites did not obey God very much. They had disbelief, they didn't live by faith, but they lived with fear. What did that result in? If they didn't believe, they didn't see, because they believed by their sight. For example take the promise land. So many had disbelief, and what was the result? Their generation did not get in the promise land. God still promised it to their people, and he still gave it to them, but he gave it to the next generation because of the disobedience and disbelief of that generation. But what if we did live by faith? What would happen then...

I will step forward and receive the promise!

I will hit the ground running. Running towards HIM and HIS promises. Never looking back.

Don't look back, just run!

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