
Friday, October 18, 2013

Great is the LORD

   "Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise;
his greatness not one can fathom."
Psalm 145:3                     

I'm not great. I fail in every way possible every single day. My hands are empty, and my strength doesn't take me very far. In fact, the only place it takes me is down the wrong path. I am gifted, yes. But I forget about those gifts when I don't rely on Him. I have an amazing identity, yes. But when I put hope in my flesh, the world gives me labels. I can be up on a platform or in the back of the line, no matter where, if my heart is not right, I am no where. Pride takes a bite, slowly at first, but then consumes after the first guard is let down. Humility is a treasure, rare as the most precious diamond. Who puts their life, the life of their family, and the life of everything they have ever known on the line to trust in something that they haven't discovered is trustworthy yet? Not many. But for the ones who do, who trust God with their lives, they have found what is great. Not them, not what they did, but the one they trusted in. God. Only He is great, and only he can make something out of little you. Not something great or popular, shiny or amazing. Just something, someone, that he loves. He'll put your life together, make something come out of it, but for his glory. You will experience joy and peace and you will find true satisfaction. If you let him, you will see, that the best thing that you can be is you loving God and seeking him with your whole heart. The only thing that is great is God. Don't try to be great, don't try to make a mark in a history book, just love Him and serve him, that is the greatest thing you can do, because you do it for the greatest thing that ever was, ever is, and ever will be in the entire universe.

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