
Saturday, November 23, 2013


My Dad is a really great dad. He plays with us, loves us, listens to us, helps around the house, takes care of the yard & pool and more. One job that he does not like to do is washing the dishes, but you would never guess this. If it needs to be done, he does it. Never complaining, never hinting that he doesn't like it. How many of us are willing to do the "dishes" is our life? The job we dread, the thing we really do not want to do. How many of us, while we are doing the job, never complain or hint that we absolutely despise it? Not many. How many of us roll up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, and scrub? Spiritually, do we do the dishes? Clean off our plate (heart & life) with leftover food (sin) and wash till it's clean? Let's pray a prayer and roll up our sleeves, get our hands dirty, and scrub.

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