
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

When? What? How? Why?

These are some of the questions we ask God when what he doesn't make sense to us. When? What? How? Why? His thoughts are not out thoughts. He makes every thing work out for good. I am wondering about some things God is doing in my life. Sometimes I think he is crazy. I have to trust him though. Talk to God about everything that is on your mind. He knows best, he does. Never say no to God. Please! I know I have instead of asking questions and trusting. Why would God let this happen? Why would he want me to do this? Trust God. In whatever situation you are in. It's okay to ask these questions. A lot of people asked questions in the bible. What God did didn't always make sense to them. Here is one of my questions. Why does Ana have to scream so much? Even the little things like that. God is always ready to listen. He wants to hear what you have to say. Even though he already knows what it is, he wants YOU to tell him. Ask away, he says. So ask and trust and believe.

Monday, May 30, 2011

You might have noticed that when you came to by blog music started playing. I have finally figured out how to put music on my blog. It may seem silly but I have tried to figure out that for a long time. So praise the lord today with music, I have finally figured out how to put music on my blog!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Jesus is our hope. He is our only hope. Who else can we put our trust in? Who else can we tell all our fears to? Who died on the cross for our sins? Who else would do that?No one. No one but our Jesus.
"Find rest O, my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him."
Psalm 62:5
Hope is all we have. Hope is all we need. Jesus is our hope. I love this hope of mine. I can't wait to learn more about him and see what he has in store for my life. Can't wait! Jesus, you are my hope. I will trust in you, and you alone. We can't put our hope in money or things. Not animals or people. Only Jesus, only Jesus. Who or what is your hope?If you don't answer Jesus you don't have any hope, unless you go to him. Nothing can replace him. He is our only hope. Go in a bible and look in the concordance. How many verses are listed under hope? A lot. Your hope is Jesus. He is your only hope. If a tornado came through your house. It would take away every thing that is important to you. Maybe a family member, but you still have Jesus. No one can defeat him. No one, nothing, nada, zero, nothing. Jesus is your hope, he is your only hope. Are you convinced yet? If not, I am so sorry for you. I will pray for the people in the world that do not know about the real hope. Think back on what I have said. After reading this you might try to forget. Telling your self that some weird person wrote this and it doesn't matter. But you can not forget this. Jesus s hope, your hope, every one's hope. Jesus is our only hope. Nothing can take his place. I'll say it again, Jesus is the only hope. For past, present, and future, forever. Jesus is hope, he is our only hope.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Blessing

The other day some of our friends and Claire found a nest in our bush. 4 blue and dotted with brown eggs lay softly in the nest. Our neighbor has some eggs in her bird house. They are a pale blue. We got to see the Mamma of both. The one that is in our bush was hatching and we got a video of it. You may not be able to see it very good but this is what we got...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Busy Three Days Ahead

Yep, you herd right. We have some pretty busy days coming up. My dance recital. We have to travel three days in a row. The dress rehersals are crazy. So I am asking you to pray for our portection and my Mom. If you are a Mom with three kids you probably know what I mean. She just needs supernatral streagth!

How my Blog got it's Name...

When you read the title of this post you might of thought, wow, what a silly thing to write about, but really, how my blog got it's name is a pretty amazing story. I think you are going to like it...

The first thing that happened is I wanted to start a blog. My Mom had started one and I thought, cool, it might be fun to start a blog. So I asked her. She said yes. My Mom helped me. Setting up the parts I didn't know how to. She said: the name is very important. So I thought, and thought, and thought. I could think of lots different names, but none of them were quite right. I went and asked my Dad. I am not a very patient girl and I wanted to get started on the other stuff. God is helping me with my patients now, but I am still impatient some times. He said: why don't you get the bible out and we can see if we can find any thing in there. I rolled my eyes thinking my Dad is the most God freak ever, but now we are God freaks together! We looked for a while, flipping through the pages and suddenly we both think water. Waterfall, no not right. River, still doesn't fit. Streams, needs something else. Think think, think think. Then suddenly we figure out Streams of Abundance. Perfect! We are so blessed so God fills our life with streams of abundance. So that is how my blog got his name. Pretty crazy. Hu? It is amazing how God works in the littlest things. Isn't it? I hope you are enjoying and learning at my blog: Streams of Abundance. And I hope you are starting to enjoy the journey to and of my mission trips on my other blog: Kate and the orphans! I hope you will continue reading my blogs!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

You might want to check my other blog out, I have been working on it a lot today and I think you are going to like it!
Dear Friends,
I am feeling lead to help the orphans and widows. (mission trip) I have shared a little of this before, but now I want you to pray with me. For God to lead me, for him to tell me when and where, to raise the money that is needed for it. From the new baby that is coming, to things that need to be done here at the house. I need prayer. So will you join me in prayer? I would really appreciate it! Please, if the Lord shows you anything, put it on the comments.
Your Fellow Blogger,

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This Life is a Journey

A journey. Our life. Every second, minute, hour, all of it. I am letting God lead me on my journey of life. Will you? Are you? If not, you need to. Jesus is eternal life. Do you know what I mean when I say eternal life? It means life forever in the spirit. I have life forever in the spirit. Do you? If not, you need to have it. This earthly life is so short. What are you going to do with it? Listen, pray, and worship God. Please! I am begging you. You will be sorry on judgement day if you are not saved. Judgement. God will judge you. No one can stop him. If he opens a door, no one can close it, if he shuts a door no one can open it. That is a verse. Picture that. Close your eyes and think of the door and then think of how that applies to your life. You will have hard ships, you will have happy times. There is a time for everything. A time for laughing, a time for dancing, a time for crying, a time for dying. A time for everything. There is also a verse like that in the bible too. Think of a road. A dusty old road. A lonely road. You don't see people on it for miles around. Then there is a fork in the road. One sides keeps going on the dusty road, the other is full of people. A street so clean and filled with people. Which path will you take? Be very careful. Do not be led astray. Some times the road is lonely. I am trying to take the path God is putting out before me. I might go astray some times. I am not perfect. No one is. Except God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They are all one. That might confuse you. It did when I first heard that. I will teach more one the three being one later. Look at your life. Go to God ask him, God help me on this road, it's hard. Or you might say, Lead me God, or you might say, God I want to praise you and dance for you on this journey. Just go to God. Please! I will talk more on hell and heaven a different time, but which one are you going too? You can't be good and bad. You can't be in the middle. You have to pick. I pray and hope you will pick the right one. I really do.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Puzzles, some people are good at figuring them out, and then some again are horrible at it. I'm talking about two different puzzles. 1: puzzles that you put piece by piece together to make a picture. 2: the puzzle of your life. Have you ever done a puzzle? (number 1 puzzle) You start strong and then your eyes get tiered. You work for a long time, taking breaks and then when it seems as if the pieces will never fit together, they do, if and only if you keep working. I know, I just finished a 500 piece one. I have given up on puzzles many a time too. They are usually not easy. Just like our life is not easy. We have hardships, and God helps us through it. Do you know the verse, You are the potter I am the clay? Well lets change that a minuet and say, you are the one who builds the puzzles together in my life, I am the pieces. There, two examples. So let God lead you and let him put the pieces back together in your life. You might want to listen to the song, Paint Your Picture by Julie Meyer. It is another example. Just type that in at u tube.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I am in a picture mood! So I have decided to post lots of recent pictures!

Eating Ice cream with Papa

Some Easter Pic's

Silly Hats!
Playing Dress up
Blowing BubblesAna getting ready for the day using sissy's dressers

This is the strawberry cake we made for Mom for Mother's Day!


Today God blessed us by showing us some deer in our backyard. Ana saw them and went screaming to the door. 4 deer!

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Joke!

Claire this one is for you...

What do windows bring to the beach?


And no, I did not steal your joke book again, I found it on a web site. We all know that you are the Queen of Jokes and I can never think of a Joke to tell you that you don't already know. Go on, laugh now, I hope I got you this time!

Mimi is coming!

Hiya Mimi! I can't wait till you will be here! Can't wait!

Happy Birthday Mommy!

My Mom is one of the most best, most unthinkable, full of a caring heart, mom and so much more. I want to thank my Mom for loving God, following God, and listening to God. Being a great wife, mommy, and helper to those in need. Happy Birthday Mommy! Thank you so much for all you do! From baking and cleaning, to getting down on your knees and praying. I love you soooo much!
Your Daughter,

In this picture, Mom is pregnant with Ana. See, a good example of how great a mother she is.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Why? Why? Is this world full of evil?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Yes, our Mother's are such a blessing in our life! That includes Grandma's too! They work so hard for their kids and much more. I know my Mom works her tail off every day. Taking care of kids, cooking, cleaning, and much more! Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's. God did really know what he was doing when he made Mothers!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Power of Prayer (part two)

The Prayer Journal...

The power of prayer is so great. I hope and pray you know that. A good way to pray is to have a prayer journal. This is just one way. I have a prayer journal. I think it is a great way to pray to the Lord. Write him a letter. Tell him about your day. What stressed you out and what was really exciting. Ask him questions then write down the answers he gives you. Write down every detail. Did he do something amazing for you today? Write it down in your prayer journal. You think you will remember but most likely, you won't. Then when you are feeling sad go back and read what he did for you! I think a prayer journal is great! Try it, do it for a week and see how good it feels to get your thoughts down on paper and give it to God. It is a journal just between you and God. You don't have to let anyone read it. Even though God all ready knows your troubles, thoughts, and every thing about you. He still wants you to give them to him, willingly. I hope and pray that you are communicating with God. If not, this is a good way to start.

Fun Disguises

Yesterday, after school two of our neighbors got to come over. We like to spy, so why not complete it with some Disguises? So we did! We had soooooooooo much fun! Practicing our quietness and picking up details. Some of our disguises were just plain silly! While others were western, and while still others were so unquine you didn't even know who was who! (well we did know who was who, I just thought that was the finishing touch to the end of that sentence) I know I have not been posting a lot but hold on bloggy friends, i'v got something up my sleeve and my eye is on you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little Feet

Yesterday night Claire got to feel the kick of the baby in Mom's tummy. Little feet! I can't wait to see what God will do with those little feet!