
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday

So very thankful for...

1. That we can trust God, even when we don't understand what he is doing.

2. The TRUTH of God's word.

3. That we can pray, and be answered!

What are you thankful for this Thursday?...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My red bird came to visit me today...

You know, the one I wrote about here:

What is so significant about his RED color? What does it stand for? My red bird came to see me again today...

Joy: part one (2012 study)

"You turned my wailing into dancing, you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy that my heart will sing to you and not be silent."
Psalm 30:11-12

What is Joy?

Do I have Joy?

Does God want us to have Joy?

Does God have Joy himself?

Joy: To spin around
Guwl: (Hebrew) Spin round

Giyl: Revolution
Masows: An object of delight
Alaz: Jump
Aliyz: Exalt (lift up)
Ranan: Shout

After much researching the word joy, I came up with the above. After researching the word joy in Hebrew, I got the above. Go to your concordance in your bible, look up the word joy. There is TONS of verses with that word in them. JOY.

May the JOY of the Lord me your strength today!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Really? Did you just put me in Ana's PINK high chair?...

For the first time, we fed Caleb cereal. He LOVED it!!! Click on the link below to see a video. (I had the giggles so the video is not that good!)
First bite...
More PLEASE!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday

So very thankful for God's hand in my life. The last few weeks have had some minor challenges, but I praise God for them! God tells us to have joy in all circumstances. I am so excited that Spring is FINALLY here! I can't wait to start the joy section of our 2012 Study (if you don't know what 2012 Study is go to my sidebar, scroll down to labels and click on 2012 Study)! God is doing amazing things in my life right now, and I can't wait to share about them! I stand in awe, of the awesome God that I serve! Okay, time for the thankful list...

  1. SPRING!
  2. Sunshine
  3. Special friends that God has put in our lives
  4. That I am not having any allergies!
  5. Our home group
  6. Our Church family
  7. Heaven (One of my Mom's friends, friend had a premature baby yesterday morning, who ended up going to heaven that night. We can not be afraid of death, but look forward to our eternal life. Please pray for the family, and that they would be comforted to know that little Trinity in in God's hands right now.)

now it's time for your thankful list this Thursday...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I wake up in the mornings to birds singing. I have always loved that. Since spring is less than a week away, the birds are starting to come and sing again. Spring is my favorite season! It is a time when things start awakening. Don't you love that word, awakening. The flowers start to bloom, and there is a feeling in the air of newness. It just feels like something is fixing to happen. God has something new in store. I get to excited when I think of all God has planned for me, and in each chapter of our lives, he reveals something new. Spring is coming! A season of joy for me!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I am so very thankful for...

1. Answered prayers!

2. Beautiful weather

3. How God works! (I stand in Awe)

4. Health

5. The abundance God has given us. He goes over and above all our needs and wants!

6. The anticipation and excitement I have over what God with do next!

7. That Spring is on it's way! (my favorite season!!)

What are you thankful for this Thursday?...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Joy of the Lord is our strength!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Look at Mr Caleb sitting up

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday

This Thursday I am so thankful for the friends the Lord has put in our lives. So, so thankful for the health he has given our family...

what is on your thankful list today?...

Taking Thursdays to look at all we are thankful for...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Just thought I'd say...

Thank you so much Alisha for telling me a website I could go to to make this:


For any one else who is having trouble making blog buttons this is the website we used for making ours: It truly helped me!

Oh and here is hers!

God Story...

So the other day I wrote on my blog that I had a very exciting thing happen! At CO-OP in my first class, DRAMA!
Alisha, I AM acting in a play!
And the EXCITING part is that I got the main role! Just a kiss from heaven! And now for the God story behind it all...

When we moved our most recent time, we were looking for a dance place for me, and a gymnastics place for Claire. So we tryed this place where there was an acting class also. It ended up not being the place. I was disappointed about not doing the acting + dance. I am an actor! You can just asked my friends how last Christmas I wrote a play and we acted it out!.. Yes, it was fun, and totally a Katy thing to do! So after this class not working out I thought, God knows the desires of my heart, and one of the gifts he has given me is acting, why don't I just pray! I did, and then just forgot about the prayer I guess. So moths later we started the CO-OP! I was THE LAST person to get in the DRAMA class and then the class closed. I was so happy that I got in the class! After the first class, I was totally thrilled. SO ME! AND I have the BEST DRAMA teacher. She is a christian, and ya know what? The play is really cute, and it has God in it! I want to worship God with the gifts he has given me, and that is what I am doing in this class! So God answered that small desire of my heart, and now I am thanking him! So just a God story, but a good one, of God answering your prayer that says God, this is just a desire of my heart prayer. So as I said before an extra kiss from heaven is that I got the MAIN part!

~Thank you Jesus that you have given me this role. Even if it is small to the world, it is big for me! All the honer and the glory goes to you. With every thing I do, I do it to honer and glorify your name!~
Today is a VERY special day!

It is my Dad and Mom's 20th anniversary!

Happy anniversary guys!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Hi every one! It has been kinda quiet here on my blog lately! We are STILL recovering from our bout of sickness. My Dad is out of town today, but will be back tonight! Ana woke up in the middle of the night last night, with a horrible cough. She was having trouble breathing it was so bad. She was the only one who had stayed well, and the last time Dad had to go out of town she got sick in the middle of the night too. SO, remembering the POWER OF PRAYER! We prayed, and she CAN and IS breathing much better today. But other than that, we are all doing very well! Got to have a great chat with my Mimi on the phone last night, so that was fun! Reading a lot, practicing piano, school, and CO-OP! Speaking of CO-OP...

Guess what?...

No, maybe you really should guess...

On the comments perhaps...

And no Mimi you can't guess cause YOU know what it is...

It has to do with my first class for CO-OP...

It has to do with DRAMA...

No, no more hints...

Guess away!...

Ya know, I really am expecting some responses...