
Sunday, March 3, 2013


Today I was reading over blog posts that I wrote from years ago. And as I was reading, I noticed several things.
  1. My spelling is much improved (or at least I hope!)
  2. God is faithful.
  3. God was (and is) working.
  4. Things that were on my heart then, are still on my heart now.
I have been thinking about so many things lately. I have been praying about so many things.

Sometimes is seems as if I take 3 steps forward, and 2 steps back.

Its so confusing. Its so hard. Its frustrating!

But He is still holding His hand out to me. No matter how many mistakes I make, He still wants me. He still loves me. His mercies are new every morning! And when I don't want to get out of bed in the mornings I have to remember that His mercies are new for me today, and His grace is sufficient for me.

I don't have the answers, but I am searching for them. I don't have the perfect guide book or the perfect manual for my life. Sometimes I don't understand. But the thing is that I don't have to understand. I don't have to have the answers. Because I serve the one who has all the answers, and has all the understanding in the world! And even when He chooses not to give me the answers, He gives me what I need, and that is enough.

Living in this world we will want answers. Being human, we will want to understand. But there is something deeper than being just a person, and something deeper than living temporary. There is something deeper in the answers that we cannot even pretend to understand. There is something deeper than this world.

(click on the links below to go to some previous posts that are still on my heart today)

Set Free!

Its No Coincidence, Its Just Jesus...


This Life Is A Journey

I want to expand more on this post so there will be more coming later, but for now have a very blessed evening!

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